Lisa Matranga Lisa Matranga

P91 Blog Post 20

Merry Christmas!

For unto us, a child is born unto us a son is given“ Isaiah 9:6

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Lisa Matranga Lisa Matranga

P91 Blog Post 17

Your Family is Invited to Zambia for Kingdom Kamp 2023 June 29-July 8 for a Powerful Experience

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Lisa Matranga Lisa Matranga

P91 Blog Post 16

Wow! Come and See What the Lord has done! Because of the Lord’s goodness and our generous donors, the children now have NEW PLAY EQUIPMENT!!!!

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Lisa Matranga Lisa Matranga

P91 Blog Post 14

The Lord spoke the word JUBILEE a few nights before I left for Zambia. Indeed, the time was Holy, a time of REDEMPTION, FORGIVENESS AND SALVATION. Children and Adults gave their hearts to the Lord and Worshipped Him.

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Lisa Matranga Lisa Matranga

P91 Blog Post 13

School has started in Zambia- please share the opportunity with a family member or friend! 30 more students still hoping for a sponsor.

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Lisa Matranga Lisa Matranga

P91 Blog Post 12

School has started in Zambia- please share the opportunity with a family member or friend! 30 more students still hoping for a sponsor.

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Lisa Matranga Lisa Matranga

P91 Blog Post 11

Merry Christmas from Zambia!

40 new students are excited to join our school in January

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