
Lisa Matranga

Educator, President of Psalm91Ministry



When I was a young girl, I felt the Lord calling me to give Him my whole heart. I remember telling God, “If I give you my WHOLE HEART, you MIGHT DO SOMETHING WEIRD LIKE SEND ME TO AFRICA”.  Decades later, in 2004, my daughter and I heard a man named Greer Kendall speak about going to Zambia where we could help orphans and vulnerable children, sharing Jesus Christ with them. The Lord took me to Africa. While there, weeping for the children, I remembered my childhood conversation with God.

Over the following years, The Lord allowed my family, Michael, Alayna, Jackie and Christian, to watch Him do amazing miracles. He joined us together with hundreds of beautiful Zambian children through Family Legacy Missions. He joined us together with our Houston neighbors to fundraise for a home for 12 beautiful girls, and allowed us to sponsor many for school.

Then in 2019, the journey took us on an even GREATER LEAP OF FAITH. My Zambian friend Mashili called me weeping telling me that there were over 50 orphan children struggling with poverty, not in school in her small community. Her heart was broken and my heart was broken too. It was then that the Lord birthed this vision to do something more for the children of Kafue.

It was in this same community that the Lord spoke to me one night in 2006. He woke me through the night saying “They will call out to me and I will answer them”  Psalm 91:15.

The Lord was speaking a promise to sustain them through hunger, poverty and great difficulty. I have witnessed their perseverance and devotion! These beautiful people have a true heart to honor God and help each other!

The first year, 32 children were sponsored by our friends and family in Houston, Austin and Galveston. And now over 128 children are in the program, sponsored by more than 90 families across Texas, Virginia and Tennessee.

We are beyond thankful to the Lord for His faithfulness, to our Zambian friends who gave their hearts to help the children around them and to our US friends for loving and helping these children across the ocean.

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction” James 1:27