P91 Blog Post 21

January-March, 2024

We Have a New

School Building!

5-7th Graders

Admin Offices

We are so thankful to the Lord!

Cholera Outbreak Closed Schools Across Zambia

Relief Supplies, Dry Food Distribution, Education and Water Filtration Systems All Supplied Through Donations

Neighboring school,

St Francis Received School Desks!!

The Lord Saw The Need and Generous Donors Made a HUGE Difference!

The kids received the desks with Big Smiles and Thank you’s!!

Welcome New Staff Members!

Rose Kintu Kateule, Field Worker

John Ngoma, Teacher

Chisha Katutwa, Teacher!

God is Continuing the GREAT WORK He has Started

There are over 125 children in our program receiving Christian Education.

106 children are sponsored.

17 Children are Available for Sponsorship


Please Share Her Story.

Margaret Age 5

Lusaka West

Margaret is a charming girl who loves drawing and finger painting. The father abandoned her and the mother when she was 6 months old since then her mother has single-handedly struggled to make ends meet for her and other siblings.

Psalm 91 Market

Bay Area Christian School Teacher Conference

Prayer Team Leader Barb helped set up for a day of connecting with our community at Bay Area Christian School

Kingdom Camp 2024

Sign Ups Now Open

14 Spots Available

Calling Teachers to love & train Zambian Optional Teacher Trip July 18-27

Zambian Teachers are Looking forward to working with you!


P91 Blog Post 20