P91 Blog Post 11

December 27, 2021

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Students celebrated the birth of Jesus with lots of Christmas goodies & New t-shirts

Giving Tuesday Reached $8,200 goal for school lunches & family food supply!

Thank you for your support!

Lily, Fred, Dainessy & Mashili brought Christmas goodies to a few students at home where they are recovering well

A BIG THANK YOU to our Amazing staff

Thank you Christina & Joseph for hosting the Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser!

Alayna, Eli, Jackie & AJ- thank you for making it a spectacular event! Your neighbors are so generous, 3 students got sponsored for school that day!

Tis the Season for Market! Proceeds benefiting Kafue Christian Academy

Thank you Beatrice, Rene, Dona and Michael for making this so much fun!

Added Blessings! Students received Sewing Lessons from Beatrice

Thank you to Beatrice and KCCAP staff

40 new students are looking for sponsors for January

Will you help Bupe? Both of his parents are blind.

$48/mo he will receive Christian Education, lunch daily, medical

Chewy lost both of her parents and now lives with her grandmother.

Will you help her go to school?

This is Webby…. He was just sponsored TODAY December 30, 2021- thank you Kari!

This is Gift, age 7

His father died and he just wants a chance to go to school. Can you share his story? There are 40… and God sees each one of them.

We love our staff!

AND We are Interviewing for an additional Teacher Position to begin in January

Thank you for all of your kindness to the students of Kafue Christian Academy… We hope you received a photo of your child recently… AND NOW LET’S WRITE TO THEM! Please email me a note to your child with your encouragement, prayers and things you may have in common like faith, love of soccer, being with friends… the simple joys you share. I will email these letters to the school for the director to print for each child.

BECAUSE THE LORD IS FAITHFUL “The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving towards all He has made” Psalm 145:13

Thank you all for being His HANDS & FEET!


P91 Blog Post 12


P91 Blog Post 10