Lisa Matranga

Educator, President of Psalm91Ministry


Kafue Christian Academy Staff

Michael Miti

Psalm 91 Zambia

Program Development Coordinator

Michael has served the vulnerable children of Zambia for over a decade and we are proud to welcome him to the team. He is married with two children.

Emmanuel Mwansa

Head Teacher & 6th Grade

- Kafue Christian Academy

Emmanuel is a primary school teacher with a diploma in education . We are very excited to have him lead our teaching staff.

The students love him!


Educator - Kafue Christian Academy

Rose Kateule

Field Staff- Psalm 91 Zambia

Rose, A Development Studies Graduate with a minor in Demography. A Compassionate field worker dedicated to making a difference in the lives of the children at our School. She strives to leave a lasting impact on the children and families she engages with.



John Ngoma

Educator - Kafue Christian Academy

John believes in making a difference by making the children feel safe and loved and most importantly helping them become functioning members of the society who are able to maintain healthy relationships through the knowledge provided to them.

Naome Nankamba

Educator - Kafue Christian Academy

Naome is a primary school teacher with a diploma qualification. She has upper and lower Primary School Experience. This seasoned teacher has one child and is most proud of her ability to work with the community to reach vulnerable students. Naome is from Kafue and is proud to serve the people of her community. She has been teaching at Kafue Children's Christian Academy since September 2022
What she loves about her  job is that she can contribute to transforming the lives of children from hopeless to achievers
Naomi operates on the principle that whoever passes through my mentorship should have a thrilling education journey have a positive narrative about life and conquer the world with positivity and determination that I can do it, regardless of their backgrounds.
Secondly,  she says the most profounding concept of this organisation is how they taught her how to capture and nurture children's hearts for this is a Skill that has been very instrumental in her career and it's phenomenal .

Malama Bwalya

Educator - Kafue Christian Academy

Malala teaches grade 1 & 4 and specializes in literacy.

Malama has worked for a year and three months at Kafue Christian Academy. What she loves about teaching is seeing how the Children think, every day is different and that is making a difference in their lives.

Chisha Katutwa

Educator - Kafue Christian Academy

Chisha always wanted to be a teacher. She loves to take care of children and passionate about imparting knowledge to them. She refers to children as little flowers that need to be taken care of in order for them to blossom. Chisha believes in love and kindness towards each other. 


Field Staff - Psalm 91 Zambia

Lucky joined our team in June 2024 and has already hit the ground running! He has worked with a sister ministry for many years and is already familiar with the area where Psalm 91 sponsors 8 children. He is a wonderful partner for Rose and a blessing to all of us.