P91 Blog Post 18

September 1, 2023

Kingdom Camp 2023 Miracles Beyond our Imagination!

164 Children Are Free in Christ!

Sponsors With Their Kids

(Top Left) Danny & His Boys, Glorie (Top Right) , Alyssa (Center Left), Kim & Her Girls (Center Right), Judy with Bupe (Bottom Left) and Amy Sharing the Gospel with her Girls (Bottom Right)

Our Psalm 91 US Volunteers arrived safely in Zambia and met the children at Kafue Christian Academy

Finish Strong Zambia Team Toured the School and Loved on the Kids

Sponsors Met the Children they Sponsor

Juan and Emmanuel were inseparable

Students SO PROUD to display their Artwork! Alyssa Baker (Top Right), our Teacher Trainer from Austin, brought valuable training to KCCAP Teachers and Students including this COOL SCIENCE DEMONSTRATION… Students (Bottom Right) using the New Computers to create Graphic Design

Greer Kendall of Finish Strong Ministries &

Lisa Matranga of Psalm 91 Ministries

Lead Training for our combined Kingdom Camp 2023

Kingdom Camp Theme 2023


164 Children from Kafue Christian Academy and other local community schools received the Word of God

Skits depicted common, painful scenarios. The kids CHEERED as Jesus removed the chains.

KCCAP students enjoy a gift from their Heavenly Father… their very FIRST BOAT RIDE

Children were thrilled to receive Blessings each day including bracelets, undies, socks, bandanas and camp T-shirt

Judy’s sweet group included Bupe, the young boy she sponsors

The Gospel of Jesus was clearly explained to every child, preparing them to go out and share the Gospel with their neighbors


Clever, a KCCAP camper, shares Freedom in Jesus Christ with local doctors

Support Team Zambia, Texas & El Salvador

Volunteer Cooks Prepare Lunch

92 Children at KCCAP receive a meal every day


Visiting St. Francis Community School nearby… the Lord sent us with greatly needed school supplies and soccer balls from Brazoswood H.S. Soccer Team. The kids CHEERED for the Pencils AND WENT CRAZY FOR THE SOCCER BALLS!!! They have no desks at St. Francis… and the teacher told us they had no pencils. We are praying about how to help.

Amazing friends helped pack all of the supplies you sent!

Undies, socks, school and medical supplies, Letters from The Connection School Children…

Organizational and Prayer Support Back Home…

At least 12 Prayer Warriers Covered Kingdom Camp in Prayer… Ask How You can Join the Prayer Team as they Continue.

Little ones in Zambia love the gifts you sent!

So many wonderful donations

Volunteers from Texas

We Love You!!

Houston, Austin, Galveston- YEP!!


July 25-August 3

Your Family is Invited to Kingdom Camp 2024 in Zambia

Families, parent/child, singles, you can join us to Bless the kids and experience profound impact in the presence of the Lord. Peaceful, Christian, English-speaking, No Shots Needed, Only 30 spots….

Sign up below for More Information

Back to School Needs


You can help supply a Child with a Uniform and Shoes Today…

1 Child: Uniform $25 ~ Shoes $20 ~ Total $45

2 Children: $90

4 Children: $180

8 Children: $360

“You are the God who Sees Me”

Genesis 16:13


P91 Blog Post 19


P91 Blog Post 17