P91 Blog Post 2

December 24, 2020

31 children received beautiful treats and food supply in the new Kafue Children’s Christian Academy! They ate their lunch, sang songs, gave thanks to the Lord and were measured for uniform and shoes. Psalm 91 Zambian staff members worked for weeks to gather supplies and locate the children who in many cases have spread out during COVID. Over 30 children attended and toured their new school! Grandmothers, young widows, single moms and caretakers rejoiced with dancing as they entered and saw the blessings sent by their brothers and sisters in the USA!! The group worshipped the Lord together. Texans have truly been the hands and feet of Jesus this Christmas.

Because of COVID, school has been scheduled to begin January 18 and the children are excited to begin


Food supply distribution


The children had a special Christmas lunch and participated in worship.


The children were measured for uniforms and shoes

Thank you and Blessings to our supporters from Mashili

I just received a facebook phone call while updating the blog and it was Mashili, the young woman who helped start the school. She asked me to share her heart with you.

From Mashili:

I send my greetings! I’m thanking each and everyone of you for making the effort for these children. Thank you very much and may the Lord bless you. Distance is not a barrier. The more you give the more you receive. I send my love to you. The children love you! The parents and grandmothers were so excited and overjoyed that the children will be going to school. May the Lord bless you for what you have done. The Lord is answering our prayers. The Holy Spirit is moving and this is real!.

I thank the Lord Almighty


P91 Blog Post 3


P91 Blog Post 1