P91 Blog Post 15

November 15, 2022



The Children Send their Love and Thankfulness

Lets Send them funds for 1 Year of FOOD

Thank you for helping us go to school!

They especially love the hot food!

On the first day, the cooks over-estimated which was a BIG HIT with the students!! Teachers and caretakers reported the very positive impact of this food program on the students and families.


GOAL: $11,330 for 1 year of food for all 98 children

Please mark your calendar to be a part of this special day… “Nothing Else in All Life is Such a Maker of Joy and Cheer As the Privilege of Doing Good”

“Come and See what the Lord has done”! Psalm 66:5

Grade 1 children are so joyful!

Friend and sponsor, Donna, opened her beautiful home for a very successful fundraising event Nov 13

Thank you to all who participated!!

5 Children were sponsored- thank you to our new sponsors!

James 1:27 - “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction”

Contact me, Lisa, if you would like some unique Zambian items for gifts this Christmas

$415 was donated for playground equipment- thank you!

$352 still needed to complete swingset, merry go round and jungle gym

Learning Continues at the School. Director Lily Teaches Science and challenges her students every day!

The children are engaged and love learning…

Teacher Emmanuel makes it fun to learn!

Beautiful to see the care our students take in their work

Children receive their education and are discipled in the Word of God

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours

The Lord Sees These Children

Thank you for seeing them…

“You are the God who sees me”

Genesis 16:13


P91 Blog Post 16


P91 Blog Post 14