P91 Blog Post 12

February 15, 2022

The Children are excited for our visit!

We are going to Zambia this summer

& guess who is invited?

YOU! COME WITH US TO ZAMBIA JUNE 30-JULY 9… bring love & supplies to Kafue Christian Academy, minister the Gospel through Kingdom Kamp, experience God’s love in Zambia- for information email admin@psalm91ministry.org

New Students celebrated their first day at Kafue Christian Academy!

Thank you for the New Shoes!

Our wonderful staff welcomed Teacher Immanuel to the team

We are so thankful for our teachers!


SO EASY-2 minutes Just login & link to Psalm 91 Ministry


30 new students are still looking for sponsors

Will you SHARE Bupe’s story? Both of his parents are blind.

$48/mo he will receive Christian Education, lunch daily, medical

Chewy Needs a Sponsor She lost both of her parents and now lives with her grandmother.

Will you share her story?

This is Webby…. He is now sponsored thank you Kari & Jim!

This is Gift, age 7

His father died and he just wants a chance to go to school. Can you share his story? There are 30 more needing sponsors… and God sees each one of them.

SPONSORS: LET’S WRITE TO THE KIDS! Please email a Word or Google Doc note to your child with your encouragement, prayers and things you may have in common like faith, love of soccer, being with friends… the simple joys you share. I will email these letters to the school for the director to print for each child.

BECAUSE THE LORD IS FAITHFUL “The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving towards all He has made” Psalm 145:13


P91 Blog Post 13


P91 Blog Post 11