P91 Blog Post 8

June 27, 2021

Lisa’s trip postponed just 6 hours before her flight as Zambian Government shut down schools for 21 days

due to rise in Covid cases

But God brought Extra Special Blessings during this difficult time!

The Lord brought Greer and Susan Kendall, the founders of Family Legacy Missions to help with an AMAZING SUPPLY DISTRIBUTION!!

Greer, born in Zambia to missionary parents, first ministered to the children of this area in 2003. It was a beautiful reunion as they reconnected with Mashili, just a 7 year old child when they first met.

Mashili found the Hope of Jesus at Camp Life in 2003 Now she is ministering to the children of Kafue Christian Academy, preparing Kingdom Kamp for them She has been teaching students the music she learned as a young child at camp.

Mashili found the Hope of Jesus at Camp Life in 2003 Now she is ministering to the children of Kafue Christian Academy, preparing Kingdom Kamp for them

She has been teaching students the music

she learned as a young child at camp.


Children received a large food supply to help fill the gap

as they will miss the lunches they would normally receive when school is in session.


Home Lessons were prepared for each child to continue learning for the next 21 days

Thank you Director Lily and teachers!!


Teachers met with each child, giving instructions for home learning.


Please share- Sweet Martha is still waiting for a sponsor

Look for Martha, Patrick, Moila, Blessings, Wiza, Henry, John and Joseph on the Sponsorship Page and invite a friend to sponsor a child!


It was hard to postpone the visit… NOW

I really can’t wait to see the kids!!


Thank you to the Lord for giving a sweet reunion to many of the caretakers who attended Camp Life 17 years ago…

Now their children are attending Kafue Christian Academy!!


P91 Blog Post 9


P91 Blog Post 7