Lisa Matranga

Educator, President of Psalm91Ministry

Lisa was an educator in Texas for over 35 years, devoting her summer breaks to Christian mission work. In 2021, the Lord called her and her husband Mike to start a charity, Psalm 91 Ministries. The name gives direct glory to God who spoke these words to Lisa in 2006 during the night, “They will call out to me and I will answer them”. She later realized it was scripture: Psalm 91:15. Working with dear friends from Zambia who also felt a burden to help, the Lord then sparked the opening of a school, Kafue Christian Academy. The Lord used a small group of volunteers that first year to start a sponsorship program and rescue 32 orphans, not in school. In 2022, 40 more children were added and Lisa left teaching, devoting herself to this work full time. Remarkably, some of the children who Lisa worked with in 2004, now adults, had great vision to help the children around them in this small community, documented their stories and helped God’s great work become a reality. Some of them then became employees at the school and many of their children are now in the program. Team Psalm 91 Zambia and US give God the glory!

2024 marks 20 years for Lisa and her family to work with orphaned and vulnerable children in Zambia and they are amazed at the incredible journey the Lord has taken them on. On her first trip in 2004, Lisa served at a camp ministering to children in Kafue, Zambia… little did she know what lie ahead.

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Lisa is a born again believer in Jesus Christ and is humbled to be His hands and feet as He brings hope to children, hidden from the world, so very dear to the Father’s heart.