P91 Blog Post 7

June 12, 2021

Getting ready to Celebrate at

Kafue Christian Academy!

We are packing for our visit June 16-27!!!

Giving thanks for our Opening and New Water Tank!!


The Lord provided a Large Water Holding Tank for the school, as water supply is frequently interrupted in Kafue. Construction was completed TODAY!!

Thank you for supporting this very important effort!

The students have been preparing special songs to share at the school’s **Grand Opening Celebration June 26** They will also attend **Kingdom Kamp** For 3 days they will be soaked in the Word of God, love, restoration, worship and the JOY of play!!Mashili, our field coordinator has been teaching students the music she learned as a young child at camp.

The students have been preparing special songs to share at the school’s

**Grand Opening Celebration June 26**

They will also attend **Kingdom Kamp**

For 3 days they will be soaked in the Word of God, love, restoration, worship and the JOY of play!!

Mashili, our field coordinator has been teaching students the music

she learned as a young child at camp.


Shhhhhh!!!!!! The children are receiving a SURPRISE school t-shirt to kick off their time at camp- THANK YOU LORD for this donation!!!


Teachers and Volunteers

Are preparing lessons and skits for the children planning to make Kingdom Kamp a Blast!!


Computers & Phones were donated thanks to the sweet Taylor family & many others!!

Thank you kids!!!


Books and school supplies have been donated and packed!


Students will receive a much needed food supply

Your donations will go directly towards this effort plus social worker at Kingdom Kamp


Sweet Martha is still waiting for a sponsor

Look for Martha, Patrick, Moila, Blessings, Wiza, Henry, John and Joseph on the Sponsorship Page and invite a friend to sponsor a child!


I can’t wait to see the kids!!


Please pray for the children to receive all God has for them at Kamp!

Thank you to all of our sponsors

Your support is changing lives


P91 Blog Post 8


P91 Blog Post 6