P91 Blog Post 14

August 28, 2022


The Lord moved Powerfully in Zambia

the children loved your photos & letters

Camp was Filled with PRAISE & FUN!!!

The children were singing “Mercy is Falling” the same song some of their parents sang in 2004

Celebration Saturday was full of JOY

“Come and See what the Lord has done”! Psalm 66:5

Each Class Presented Scriptures & Skits about the Good News of Jesus

Teachers played their part

Students attended

Kingdom Kamp…

They heard God’s Word, met in small groups for discussion, met one-on-one with their leaders, played with abandon & ate EXTRA peanut butter sandwiches!!

They prayed for each other

Children received the Word of God & prayed to receive Christ

The adults bringing God’s Word attended camp nearly 20 years ago!

Bench Building

Each child learned about carpentry trades as they built their own bench to take home

Students presented traditional dances

Mothers were dancing too!!

Mother and daughter both enjoyed camp- mother as a leader, daughter as a camper

Caretakers helped distribute undies, socks and blankets- we love these ladies!!

Romans 10:15 “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring GOOD NEWS” As we washed the feet of every child, we spoke a blessing over them and anointed them to preach the Gospel.

Kimberly, our dear friend, a trained trauma therapist, was a leader at camp, praying over each group and the community throughout the week.

The children shared the Gospel using a cube, explaining Jesus to their neighbors. Sweet Webby, Bupe, Dina, Tricia and Gabriel took turns!

Our AMAZING Volunteer Team!

Board Members, Staff, Caretakers, Zambian & U.S. Volunteers

“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble” James 1:27

Director Lily with a precious family during Food Distribution

Caleb jumped onto the team as videographer and additional worship leader- we are so thankful for our volunteers!


About a week before we departed for Zambia, I heard a voice in the night, “Jubilee”… the word had not remotely been on my mind for years… I went back to sleep and awoke to the voice again, “JUBILEE”! … I knew the Lord was speaking. The next morning I dove into Leviticus 25, seeking the Lord.. I shared with my Pastor Trey and we agreed, the Lord was doing a new work with staff and caretakers in Zambia. It was a declaration of a fresh start…

a time of celebration for God’s great redemption!

We realized that the Lord was redeeming the area for His Glory… but it was clearer than ever before. Many of the volunteers at the camp were themselves orphans, vulnerable children who had not been able to finish school when their orphanage/school was shut down many years ago… just down the street from Kafue Christian Academy. AND NOW…


The staff grew closer to the Lord AND Each other….

God’s Presence, His Redemption, was all around us

You, our supporters, are a part of something most extraordinary…

may the Lord bless you as you bless these children.

“Proclaim liberty throughout the land…For it is a jubilee and it is to be Holy for you” Leviticus 25


P91 Blog Post 15


P91 Blog Post 13