P91 Blog Post 3

January 23, 2021

Renovations continue on the Kafue Children’s Christian Academy! Crews have been working daily to install greatly needed security bars on doors and windows and yard wall outside. Floors and interior walls are also being repaired. Painting begins Monday. Our largest project is the required outdoor, 3-stall bathroom facility being constructed from scratch! The cost is approx $4,500 for this required addition. The Lord continues to supply all of the needs for these renovations. Many thanks to our generous partners!

Because of COVID, school is now scheduled to begin February 1, 2021 and the children are excited to begin!


Here is our school!

The security wall is being repaired


This 3 bedroom home is becoming a school! The children will have Bible study every day and Chapel every Wednesday

Painting begins Monday


A passageway was opened in order for female employees to access a separate bathroom.

The new tile floor looks good!


Bedrooms are being converted to office space


The new sink is installed!


Plaster being repaired and renovations are underway.


The children are so thankful to their sponsors!

This is little Graceous just beaming!


A few of our older children will attend other schools nearby. We will continue to work with them supplying health screening, food, trades training and Christ-centered discipleship.


This is Priscilla. She begins trade school on February 1 and she is on fire for the Lord! She graduated high school but needs help to go further. She has no parents and has 1 sponsor so far but needs 2 more at $50 per mo

Trade School is the equivalent of an associates degree and will allow Priscilla to be self-sufficient.

See her picture on the Sponsorship page!


Does anyone want to help with a sign for our new school? or a Computer for our teacher?

Please contact admin@psalm91ministry.org

Thank you and Blessings to our supporters!


P91 Blog Post 4


P91 Blog Post 2